Team Building and Development
One of the key strategies for change in most companies today is working in teams - intact, project-based or ad hoc - functionally, cross-functionally, virtually and globally. Team leadership and membership therefore assume increasing importance. Quickly becoming a high performing team where task, roles and processes are aligned and clear is one of the key success factors.
COREVIS' High Performing Team Process approach has been designed to address the issues of team leadership, membership, role clarity and accountability, and their part in the development of high performing teams while addressing current business challenges.
Our central belief is that adults learn most profoundly when they are engaged in their current work, involving challenges linked to their organization's strategic business plan. COREVIS' High Performing Team Process approach is a 2-4 day custom-designed workshop based on the current work and current needs of the team. The actual time required will depend on the learning outcomes and task results established by the team leaders and members of the team.
What are the potential outcomes?
By the end of the Team Development session, participants will have:
· Made progress on team tasks and developed clear guidelines for next steps;
· Practiced skills for giving and receiving feedback;
· Practical experience with the complex demands of the change process, and its impact on all aspects and functions of the emerging organization;
· Contracted and clarified roles and responsibilities between members of the Team - especially with the team leader;
· Created and used an instrument of their own measures for becoming a high-performing team;
· Developed clear communication methods for assignments and task completion;
· Tried out new ways of planning, delegating, and working as a team;
· Developed new interpersonal skills and understanding of what constitutes effective teamwork;
· Received feedback from their Learning Coach/es.
Who Will Benefit?
Teams of any kind (top management, functional, cross-functional, product, regional, etc.) who need to work more effectively and efficiently.
How is This Program Designed?
All Team Development sessions contain these basic elements:
· They are co-designed by the client and COREVIS;
· Participants work on actual current team tasks;
· Participants are aided in their work tasks and learning outcomes by a COREVIS Learning Coach or Coaches who create a supportive environment where participants can:
o Clarify and 'contract' their role and responsibilities
o Receive coaching in practicing new behaviors, tools and skills in a safe environment
Learning Coaches introduce Just-in-Time Learning tools, techniques, and insights to the team, and also invite reflection so as to provide members with insight into the dynamics operating in their team's work environment.